
Ansari Construction established in 1990 by MD KHALIL ANSARI as an Engineering & Construction Contractor firm.

Nazareth convent building, sister of chairity

najerath convent building

Nazareth Convent Building which is Sister of Charity.  It is situated in Chutiya station and we got the job of building a little convent.  Our company made this work very well with a lot of hard work and our company designed it well which is a very beautiful design and in this company, we have seen that many sister people live who  Help each other and this convent! Nazareth Convent Building which is huge.  It is about 4 floors and the garden is also very well maintained.

The campus of the Nazareth Convent building is very big.  Many sister people live comfortably in it and parking is also built in it.  The garden has also been made.  In this, those people very happily tell the time there and fulfill their worship there in a very good way and in which there is also a system of cooking and there are many people who are homeless from home.

Nazareth Convent building has given support to those people and there are many girls here who are not their parents and all this. Poor children are brought to the Nazareth Convent building to be educated and they are also married.  In this, there are many such children who do not have parents, who are abandoned, or who have nothing, they are brought up.  Through some contact and by taking good care of them and raising them by feeding them, they are married and their life is made successful,  Nazareth convent building is doing very good work which is a sister of charity.

We got the work of the Nazareth Convent building, which we got done at a very low cost.  One task, because seeing here, she is a sister of charity.  Help is here people are helped here.  That’s why we decided that here we will not give much amount and will donate some money as our donation.

We have done our work very well which made the people there very happy and thanked us all and there were two children there.  Those people also wanted to help us with great happiness.  But we did not take any help from those people.  We all have our own workers.  Those people did their work, Nazareth convent building, the timetable is very sacred, in which the children are given their food with their time and they are given. And they are also told to sleep over time.  There is a bell by ringing this, everyone follows the rule of his bell. In the Nazareth Convent building, we made roads there and also made a garden and a lot of pairing work was done in it.  Which we did very well and we also got boring done in it which was 700 feet and  summersible water pump  installed in it.  We have given all these works at very cheap prices. Nazareth Convent building and the system there.

The time table there in the Nazareth Convent building was from 9:00 to 5:00.  Apart from this, no other man could go inside there in the second time because it was a convent for women which was made for girls.  Only girls can live in it. 

There is no place for men and boys to live in it, and neither does it have permission.  There was a card made for us.  To go inside, in which all our workers used to go inside only through the card and the exit time was also checked in the card itself and we gave a very sacred time table and everyone was happy and we saw all people Discipline maintain . 

Work has been done that the convent building did not face any kind of problem because there were all girls and women all were fine. In the Nazareth Convent building, we saw that there are many such small girls who do not even know how to keep themselves clean properly.  Those people are being taken care of which is very dirty right now.  No understand and people are kept.

And those people are being very well taken care of and kept clean.  Those people feel as if you are not at home and there is no pressure of any kind.  They are also taught and take food to them from time to time and all this is done and there is no charge.  Nazareth Convent Building is doing this work to earn its virtue which is Sister of Charity.

Many such donors are associated with the Nazareth Convent building who donate a very heavy amount.  Due to which the Nazareth Convent building does not face any problem.  By moving forward, she is able to fulfill her work properly and does not remain dependent on anyone, and this work is done only by donation and no one is asked forcefully. 

Many donors are associated here and many are also associated with other countries who send their one month’s money to this trust and they get to see the result of this dress and they also come and see if my money is correct.  It is looking at the place or it is looking at the wrong place.  They come and see, so that it becomes clear to them that the money is being spent at the right place and neither is the Nazareth convent building which is Sister of Charity or right.  There is no fraud in this and it works properly.  No wrongdoing is done and the money is put to good use.

We did not face any issue of payment in Nazareth Convent building.  We used to pay the bill and get the payment that there was no problem in the payment and through this we got a lot of work.  We have also done the work in a very good way and have given it to the trust of Nazareth Convent building.

The branch of Nazareth Convent building is in many places in Jharkhand and everywhere these people are performing very well and there is no problem.  Don is giving his donation at the right time and he is able to do his work properly to the people and there are many such places where the charity of Nazareth Convent building is open. 

Many children will be seen there.  It is known only by going there. There is also a school in Nazareth Convent Building which is located in many places.  There BP is kept very low and reading is being done in very standard way and I am also forgiven.  Some people who are very poor and know the plight of the people, come, tonight the convent building Sister of Charity is being started.  They also get free and they are doing very good work, due to which the country is also being served.  Let us all remain involved in all the work and make the country successful now.

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